Gabriel Said Reynolds' book, "Allah God In The Quran," delves into the complex portrayal and understanding of Allah in the Quran, exploring theological, historical, and linguistic perspectives. Reynolds examines the...
"Mazameen E Quran Ka Taruf For BS 4 Year" by Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari provides an in-depth introduction to the themes and topics covered in the Quran. It is specifically designed...
Paimaan-E-Azal is a profound and philosophical book by the esteemed scholar Prof. Ahmad Rafique Akhtar. The title translates to "Covenant of Eternity," and the work explores deep spiritual, theological, and...
Taleemat-e-Islami: Islamiat Lazmi for Class 10 by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Imran is an essential textbook designed specifically for tenth-grade students studying Islamic education. This comprehensive guide covers fundamental teachings and...